All in Guest Posts

The Myth of Multi-Tasking and Taming the Time Suckers: Productivity for Wedding Pros

(Editor's Note: One of our favorite guest contributors, Jennifer Taylor of Taylor'd Events, is back today to share her productivity wisdom with our readers! Learn more about Jennifer at the end of the post!)

When it seems that there are a million and one things to do, it can be easy to get discouraged – especially if you don’t organize your time well. Many event professionals are challenged by a constant barrage of emails, site visits, meetings, and the like – in fact, you’d be hard put to find someone who wouldn’t admit that they could be more productive. Even the most industrious ones are still looking for ways to shave a few minutes off their daily tasks because, as we all know, every second counts!

Meeting Techniques for Making the Sale

(Editor's Note: We're closing out the week with this great guest post from Kevin Dennis of Fantasy Sound Event Services. Read more about Kevin at the end of the post, and be sure to check back Monday for a special announcement regarding WeddingIQ!)

These days, the bottom line isn’t solely about having great products or services and making sure people know about them. Sales play an incredibly important role in the conversion of “I like you guys!” to “I want to book you!”
In fact, selling starts as soon as a potential client shows interest- from the ease of contacting you to the look of your office when they first walk in the door (that’s right- time to find a new home for all those mason jars peeking out from around the corner!).  It should be your top priority to make sure prospects look forward to your meeting.

Why Every Wedding Pro Should Care About Good Bookkeeping

(Editor's note: Today we're excited to feature a post from guest contributor Stephanie Thacker of Steadfast Bookkeeping Co. Read more about Stephanie at the end of the post!)

Your wedding business is going great! You’re booking clients, collecting payments and making good profit margins, right? Or, wrong? Or, you don’t know? That’s okay - I’m here today to tell you why you should care about good bookkeeping and why it makes a difference in your business.
So why do I even use the term good bookkeeping? Well, because unfortunately bad bookkeeping exists. We’re not really here to talk about the bad bookkeeping but let’s just say it falls along the lines of inaccurate, not complete or pretty much non-existent. Good bookkeeping on the other hand provides accurate reports, it’s completed in a timely manner and it even plays a part in the success of your business.

Tempering Expectations: Being Realistic With Employees and Their Limitations

(Editor's note: We're always so grateful to have Michelle Loretta of Sage Wedding Pros share her extensive experience and knowledge with our readers, and today's guest post is no exception! Read more about Michelle at the end of the post!)

So often we hire employees when we are at our breaking point. We have so much work that we can’t produce single-handedly and need some relief. It takes discipline, courage, and restraint to start delegating responsibilities to a new individual. After all – this company is YOUR BABY. You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into it.

Contracts 101: An Attorney's Perspective on on the Importance of Client Agreements

(Editor's note: Today's guest post was submitted by attorney Autumn Witt Boyd, who serves creative business owners in a variety of capacities. We're thrilled to have her valuable contribution to our monthly content theme of legal and financial issues.Read more about Autumn at the end of the post!)

You already know you need a written contract with your clients, right? 
Contracts help both sides work together more smoothly, because there are no questions about what everyone has agreed to. It’s all there in black and white. No one has that feeling in the pit of their stomach about what could happen if things go wrong – you’ve already talked about it, and you both know exactly where you stand.